Due Diligence

The creation of a due diligence report entails conducting rigorous research to disclose legal and financial risks that could impact each corporate transaction, as well as a thorough assessment of factors that could effect the value and success of a restructuring project or process.

The analysis of corporate documentation, contracts, legal status of assets, intellectual property structure, litigation history and past projects involving the company is a critical phase preceding every significant acquisition. Drobnjak Legal & Partners law firm boasts extensive experience in preparing due diligence reports, handling numerous complex corporate transitions necessitating meticulous legal and financial scrutiny.

In collaboration with auditors, our team conducts comprehensive analyses to compile detailed reports that outline identified risks, provide strategic recommendations for mitigation and articulate potential implications for the client. Our expertise empowers clients to effectively manage risks, enhance transactional value and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

Our specialized services include:

  • Legal due diligence
  • Financial due diligence
  • Tax due diligence